1st blackfish post

Tillikum is a large bull orca and was held in captivity he killed three people 2 trainers and a trespasser that was in sea world the seaworld family wants to have more killer whales. But after that incident they still want the killler whales back. And then he was taken away from his family when a boat came up to the pod and took tillikum. The first trainer they tillikum killed was a 40 year old trainer at sea world who was rubbing tillikum and then he bit her pony tail and then he drowned her. And he killed a second trainer and one more person. We should put orcas in the ocean were they belong because why do more people have to potentially lose their lives because of some killer whales they can bring dolphins. You see they just don’t belong there tillikum was 20 feet long and I don’t know how many feet wide but he was BIG and sea world didn’t make him a good size of a enclosure for tillikum the aquarium was 23 feet wide and 13 feet deep which and I quarter “he could barely turn around “.


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